All you need to know
The Department of Conservation (DOC) have an online booking service. If you have any queries and would like to speak to a person you are welcome to contact the Kauaeranga Visitor Centre on 07 867 9080
Staff at the Coromandel Imformation Centre are available to help with directions, distances, drving times and conditions of the roads. We are not able to process any bookings for you.
Northern Coromandel
Top of the peninsula: five campgrounds at the top of the peninsula offer remote coastal experiences in superb settings. Waikawau Bay and Stony Bay on the eastern side, Fletcher Bay and Port Jackson on the north coast, and Fantail Bay on the western side. All campgrounds have toilets.
Note: Camping is prohibited on any public place including reserves, beaches or roadside. In this context “camping” shall include the use of any vehicle for sleeping whether or not it is specifically set out for sleeping. Bylaw officers patrol public places and will require persons found camping in a public place to move on and you will be issued with a fine. Help keep our land beautiful and use the facilities of the available camp grounds.
See below the DOC camping options available:
DOC booking website.
Let us take the hassle out of finding the right place to stay!
We personally know all the places we recommend, how far they are from town, and what alternatives exist. Best of all there’s no extra cost if you book through us. Press the button, or simply give us a call on below number.
address: 995C Kauaeranga Valley Road Thames. 3577